Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Epiblog Wednesday 29 July 2015 – London

So we have made it home.  We had three nights in Marmaris marina.  We solved the grey water problem.  We found that with the rubbish bins there were water butts to put grey water in.  So all I had to do was do the washing up in a bucket and then pour that into the water containers.  I have no idea why the marina staff did not tell me this.

The weather was incredibly hot for the whole time.  So we did all the work sorting out the boat very slowly and interspersed with regular trips to the pool, which was a godsend.

We arranged for the boat to be lifted out, scrubbed and antifouled while we are away.  We also ordered covers for our windows into the saloon to keep the sun out and hopefully reduce the temperature inside the boat.  I have also got lazy so for some considerable sum we have arranged for the boat to be cleaned inside and out before we return.  With luck we will be able to get away quickly in September.

On Sunday Richard collected a hire car and we left the boat and went to Gocek.  We booked into a lovely boutique hotel with a pool and spent the afternoon there going in to town for the evening.  The place is really just based on boating.  It is in a large inlet which looks lovely to anchor in.  We will see if we want to spend time around here when we return.

The flight back was long, but uneventful and now we are home until September.  We will be in touch then.

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