Sunday, 19 July 2015

Sunday 19 July 2015 - Rhodes Marina

I haven’t posted for some days due to not too much to say and lack of internet and charge on the computer!  We stayed in Lindos for two nights.  We really enjoyed it, but we found that the town has also changed a lot in the last 36 years.  Colin and the family came to us on Friday.  He was supposed to arrive by 10am, but it was more like 11 or later by which time it was getting really hot.  The idea was to go up to the Acropolis before midday, but we wound up there at the height of the sun.  The journey started well.  The children rode a donkey up while we adults tried to keep up with them.  Actually Molly refused to get on the donkey initially, but finally allowed herself to be put on the beast.  At the top all the children got bored even though the place is spectacular.  Worse was to come.  After half an hour Wednesday got sick.  A bad headache and she felt weak.  It was probably the heat.  She wasn’t wearing a hat.  So we had to sit her in the shade and feed her paracetemol, and iced water.  She came to and we walked back down into the town.  It has many more tourist shops, cafes and restaurants than we remember.  But later in the day we did find a house we think was the one we rented all those years ago.  The family stayed all day and we had a Thai dinner in the town!  Strange but true.  Getting back to the boat in the dark was a bit of a challenge, but fine.

On Saturday morning we were getting ready to leave and return to Haraki Bay.  We had an interesting encounter with another boat owner.  We had noticed that there was a rather tatty looking ketch anchored in front of us.  It had a rigid tender on davits on the side of it.  The skipper was also rather ragged, about our age, thin and bearded.  So as we were having breakfast he rowed over to us.  He wanted to ask us if we knew about the Canal du Midi, which of course we do and were able to show him the book and give him some information.  It turns out that he had just arrived in Greece from the Red Sea!  He is Dutch.  He has sailed around the world twice.  He was sitting in the bay for a few weeks because he couldn’t sign into Greece as he didn’t have liability insurance.  He hoped that was being arranged.

So Saturday lunchtime back in Haraki. We arrive in time for lunch and have it on the boat.  Then we meet up with the family.  We are anchored fairly close in.  In fact, so close that we hit a rock on the way in!  We are so near the shore that even Abi and Wednesday can swim to the boat.  So they come out with Colin.  As we are sitting in the cockpit with them Wednesday shouts and says look at that.  And what do we see, Molly (all of 4 years old) in her inflatable armbands doing her doggy paddle half way out to the boat!  She probably would have made it and all, but Colin did jump in and assist her to the boat.  Later all the family come on board and we have a bottle of champagne.  We also had nibbles, but Molly ate most of those!

Then we have another crisis with children.  After a very nice dinner Abi managed to swallow a ring pull from a can of Coke!  More frantic efforts to find out what to do.  Richard and I could barely get an internet signal but from what I found and later what Colin found, the answer was do nothing it will go through her.

This morning we left Haraki after breakfast and went to the next bay, Agathi, which has a lovely sandy beach.  Again, it is not a recognized anchorage, but it had a lovely sandy bottom where the anchor dug in beautifully.  So we stayed there for the morning swimming and had lunch before making our way back to Rhodes town.  We thought we would try the new marina.  We understand they are taking boats though they are not officially opened.  There are no showers but there are supposed to be toilets, electricity and water.  After five days at anchor we are really in need of all of those.

So with absolutely no wind we motor back to Rhodes.  Just as we get there the wind picks up to 15 knots!  We make our way into the marina and are directed to an alongside berth.  That seems a good thing, until we make a thorough mess of it.  I didn’t get the stern line to the shore in time and the now strongish winds are blowing us off and sideways.  Richard is bowthrusting madly and finally with the stern on the quay we manage to get both the stern line attached and the bow line to the mooring man who has to pull us into the space because the bow thruster has stopped working!  We don’t know if it has just overheated, or it really is broken, but I rather think it is the latter.  There is nothing to do about in until tomorrow.  We have three choices.  The first is to call an engineer tomorrow morning from here and see if he can fix it.  The second is to call our agent in Mandraki and see if he can get someone to push us into a space there and find an engineer there as we were planning to be there for three days.  The last is just to get help getting in and out of Mandraki and go to Marmaris and see if they can fix it while we are away.

So we go to check in.  This place is a disorganized mess.  Firstly we find we cannot connect to electricity because the berth we are on only has outlets for large ships with too much capacity.  So we are sitting in reception trying to charge up the computer as I write this.  There is also a problem with the water.  We probably will be unable to connect because the tap needs a bit adaptor.  They may be getting adaptors tomorrow.  The only toilet is in reception, but at least it is open 24 hours a day.  They will accept credit cards, but their card machine is not working!  When we ask when they will open officially (bearing in mind they were supposed to open two years ago) they say maybe next year!  But at least they are making use of the facilities and there are a fair number of boats here, although not nearly the capacity particularly as they are mooring everyone alongside, not stern to.

So when this computer is more fully charged Richard will take me for a drink.  I think I need one.

Just one point.  This entry sounds like the trip is being a disaster.  But really we have had a lovely 5 days at anchor enjoying the hot weather and the lovely seas and the family, or course. 

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