Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Tuesday 7 July 2015 - Kos

Today was just a sightseeing day.  We spent nearly the whole day looking at the various ancient monuments in this town.  It was all very good.  The highlight was a roman villa where they had reconstructed the whole house taking in the ruins which included statuary, wall paintings and mosaic floors.  It was wonderful to be able to walk around what a real roman house would have been like, including a roof and second floor.  Much of the restoration work was funded by the EU.

The castle is also amazing.  It is enormous and dominates a large part of the old harbour.

There were also a number of other archeological sights which were very unusual in that we could just scramble over the ruins including those of the ancient baths with plunge pools, mosaic floors and a large arch with has withstood so many earthquakes.  Finally we wound up at the roman Odeon, a moderate sized amphitheatre.  Also very good.  We have decided that we really like Kos and might like to base the boat here on an annual contract for a year or two.

All this took much longer than expected and we were wilting with the heat when finally at about 4pm we made it to the beach.  It wasn’t a great beach, but we did get a swim, in what is now quite a warm sea – 24 degrees C.  The wind has dropped and it is now much warmer than it has been.  So the summer really gets started.  We are off tomorrow to our next island.  Will try to post then if we have internet cover.

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