Saturday, 4 July 2015

Saturday 4 July 2015 - Leros

Well nothing really interesting happened, but two days have passed, so I thought I would keep in touch.

We have had a very domestic couple of days.  We got more laundry done (very well and very cheaply), bought cushion pads for the nice cushion covers we bought in Santorini, and I had my hair cut.  We went to the beach a couple of times and managed to shop for a week’s food and get some money out of the bank.

The Grexit crisis continues.  Today the first butcher shop I went in had very little in the way of meat.  It advertised having lamb from its own farm, but when I asked for that he said there was none because of the currency crisis.  I don’t understand why meat from their own farm should be affected. The plebiscite takes place tomorrow and for the first time today we have seen posters for the ‘no’ campaign.  Nothing for the yes.

We have finally connected to water.  We have filled up the tank ready to go wild for the next few days.  We even got to wash the boat.

The winds are still quite strong, but it is getting better.  The weather is sunny all day and it is hard to believe there is bad weather out at sea.  In any event, the wind is from the north and we are going south, so we will set off tomorrow with the wind and waves behind us and see how far we get.  We gather that because the wind has been blowing strongly from the north for several days there will be a 1 knot south-going current tomorrow which will help us on our way.  I will be in touch then if we get any internet.

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