Sunday, 6 September 2015

Saturday 5 September 2015 - Bozuk Buku, Turkey

We are back on the boat.  We flew out to Turkey on Thursday.  It was a long boring day.  With the two hour difference in time it was after 10pm when we landed, so we had to have some supper before we got to the boat.  We arrived after midnight and had some trouble finding the pontoon where they moved our boat to after it was relaunched.  But we eventually found it and fell asleep despite it being very hot.

On Friday we used the car to go to the big local supermarket to provision the boat.  Despite the supermarket being part of the Tesco group, I couldn’t find much to buy.  I was warned that Turkish food shopping is a bit limited.  So we managed to get some stuff together to feed us for a few days.  We had the boat cleaned inside and out and it is spotless, except for one big problem.  When they stripped down the hull and sanded the keel, they didn’t seal up the keel openings in the interior of the boat (despite Richard’s request that they do so).  So when I opened the cupboards under the sinks I found black dust on everything.  I therefore had to spend some time cleaning after all, washing everything in those cupboards.

Today we finally got away.  It all took longer than we hoped, but we were off by noon.  We knew that the wind would be on the nose for most of the way so we took advantage of a favourable wind for half an hour crossing the bay in Marmaris, just using the genoa.  With its new Coppercoat antifouling the boat slid through the water beautifully.  For the rest of the day we motored into headwinds.  We weren’t planning on going far.  We just went around the corner to Ciftlic, which was recommended.  It  was a pretty bay with a beach at one end and some restaurants with pontoons at the other.  We thought we would like to anchor for the night, so we went at the beach end of the bay.  We were not lucky with our attempts at anchoring.  The first time I put the anchor down, Richard went hard in reverse and instead of setting, the anchor dragged.  When I took it up it was just full of weed.  So we tried again to find a sandy patch, and thought we had succeeded.  However, when we went for a swim Richard looked at it with the face mask and snorkel and found that although the anchor was on sand, it was just lying there and not dug in again.

So we had lunch and then decided what to do.  There were three possibilities.  Try to anchor again and hope we could set it well enough to stay the night, go on one of the restaurant pontoons, or go to the next harbour.  We chose the last alternative, which in some respects was a bit of a mistake.  We knew that the wind would be on the nose going the way we planned, but we didn’t expect it to be a force 4, touching 5 with a very choppy sea.  So we were bobbing all about and worst of all there was a lot of spray making a mess our newly cleaned boat (especially the shiny chrome bits) and it also soaked our new sun shades, on the front windows.

But we make it to Bozuk Buku before it is dark.  It is a lovely spot with an ancient citadel on a cliff overlooking the bay.  We decided at the last minute to go onto a restaurant pontoon.  They have pick up lines and the situation is pretty, under the citadel.  We do have to eat in the restaurant, but that’s OK, because it really is too hot to cook.  But we bought some ice this morning, so after a swim, I make us rum punches, and we have two each!  Then dinner at the restaurant which is very average, but I have a nice grilled fish.  Now I am in the cockpit in the pitch dark typing this because it really is too hot below.  Not sure what we will do tomorrow.

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