Thursday, 25 June 2015

Thursday 25 June 2015 - Koufonisia

We had a much more comfortable night than expected.  The swell went down as did the wind.  We did both manage to get up in the middle of the night to look at the stars which were amazing. 

We had breakfast and made a fairly early start of about 9:30am.  I was convinced our anchor had dragged, because we woke up much closer to the large motor yacht than we had been.  But on taking up the anchor it is clear that it had not moved from where we put it down, and we just had swung around because the wind had changed direction. 

The latter issue of the wind was a problem.  We had always planned to go to Koufonisia.  It isn’t an island anyone has heard of, but it is convenient and has a proper marina to stay at.  With the original winds we could have sailed here.  But as ever when we got out to sea we found a nice force 5 breeze from the north, e.g., right on the nose. 

People who know Richard know that he is obsessed with numbers.  He loves to find patterns.  For this reason he has always liked London post codes.  So all day he has told me we are in Highbury because the wind is N5.  In other words northerly force 5.  We didn’t get to Highgate – N6.  So it was another motor slog into the wind and the waves.  Only three saving graces.  Firstly the sea is not bad and just a little choppy.  Secondly we only had to travel about 6 miles which meant under 2 hours of slogging into the wind.  Finally, it is a lovely day with the sun shinning.  So we are pretty content when we get to the marina in Koufonisia.  It is properly run.  There is a staff member directing each boat into a proper berth and helping with lines.  There are pick up lines, so no need to put the anchor down.  It has water, electricity and proper toilets (with paper),  It is rather more expensive than the 5 euros it cost in Ios, but then 18 euros a night is hardly a fortune. 

We have lunch on board and then go out to explore the area.  We walk a fair distance to a nice beach with a café.  We have a cold drink and despite the wind it is warm enough (just) for me to get in the sea and have a little swim.  We find there is a bus that goes from the town to the beach and back again hourly, so we take that home.  There is also a little boat that goes to a further beach, which we might try tomorrow.

Back on the boat we find there is a bit of a disaster.  The wind has been blowing steadily and hard from just behind us where there is sand.  So we have piles of sand all over the boat.  It even got through the side windows into our cabin and I have to shake out the linen!  We try to wash it off, and don’t do too bad a job, but we fear it will just come back again.

Other than that this is a lovely spot.  The island is not too developed.  It is clearly just a holiday spot, but it is all low key and rather charming.  We have paid for two nights.  We hope then the weather will allow us to go further afield and meet up with friends.

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