Monday, 8 June 2015

Monday 8 June 2015 - Pilos

Up early and find that the weather forecast is OK.  There won’t be much in the way of wind or waves, but it is supposed to rain.  The rain is forecast for the afternoon, so we decide to go early.  We manage to leave by 8:15 and have breakfast under way.

There really is no wind to start with and we don’t even bother putting up the sails.  But eventually the wind comes up a bit.  So we put up the sails.  After a while the wind gets up to a force 4 and we have an hour of really nice sailing.  Then the wind dies again.  We approach the harbour with no wind.  The sails come down and we go in.  It is a lovely harbour.  A really large bay with islands all around.  We see the town pier first.  The pilot says that we can tie up to that, but it is exposed to the wind if it gets up.  There is space on it, but it is a bit high and we decide to look in the marina first.  It is rather full.  We had hoped to be able to go alongside on the breakwater, but there are no spaces.  We see the English boat we have been following from port to port.  They are rafted up to some large vessel.  They say they are leaving, and we can have their space, but I don’t fancy it.  There is no water or electricity on the pontoons, so we may as well go on the town pier. However, as we are about to leave we see an old chap who is gesticulating to us to show us a berth. So we decide to follow.  He eventually puts us in a berth which has pick up lines.  So we are really nicely tucked in.  The old chap asks if we need fuel and says he will phone the tanker who will come at 6pm. 

The marina is another one of these abandoned marine projects.  There is no one here organising it.  The old man obviously just tries to make some money.  He has no real right to do anything, but he was a great help and we pay him the 5 euros he asks for.  Otherwise the place is free.  There are taps where water was meant to be installed, but they don’t work.  There are cables coming up through the pontoons, where obviously electricity was planned to be put in, but that is not connected.  We do latterly find that there is a small toilet block with toilets, but that too is rather down trodden.
It is a shame, because the place itself is so nice.

We have lunch on board and then go in to the town.  It is a much nicer place than we have been to.  It is a real Greek seaside town.  It is very pretty and has most things you need.  We find 2 chandlers.  The first advises us about having the boat taken out and antifouled.  He could get a local man to lift us out and pressure spray us off for about 350 euros.  Then he could arrange for us to be anti-fouled.  The problem is that it will take at least three or four days and honestly as nice as the town is, I don’t want to stay here for that time.  It would mean checking in to an hotel (there are any number here) and we would run out of water on the boat.  I am also concerned about any old person taking the boat out on what they think is a big enough hoist.  So we won’t do that.  We will make enquiries in Kalamata.  That will be much more expensive, but also much more professional.  If they can’t do it, we will wait until we get to Marmaris in Turkey.  There does not seem to be any urgency for the boat to be anti-fouled.  It is going OK.

In the meantime we buy a water container as a spare at the first chandlery.  At the second we are given a cold drink and a free bottle of olive oil!  We buy a children’s life jacket there, together with some fishing line and some stretchy line to replace the stuff holding on the fittings for the cruising chute.  We do not manage to get new mooring lines or a solar shower.

In town we find that there is a small supermarket, but it has very limited stock.  So I do not get any food to make meals over the next few days. I have one pasta meal aboard.  That should take us to Kalamata where we should be able to reprovision.  There is a Vodafone shop, so we will go in later to see if I have run out of credit, having been cut off in the middle of a phone call yesterday.

Back at the boat we wait for the fuel tanker.  It never comes.  It is just as well that we aren’t that much in need of fuel.  We have dinner in the town.  Nice as the place is we shall probably leave early tomorrow.  We can’t decide if we should go out to the bay and anchor or dash to Kalamata.  The weather forecast in the morning should make up our minds.      

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