Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sunday 14 June 2015 - Monemvasia

We are celebrating.  We have finally arrived in the Aegean.  We left our anchorage at 6:30am.  The wind had finally dropped and it is a sunny day with no wind.  So we are    resigned to having another day on the motor.  And so it turned out to be.  All the worries about the conditions around the Maleas point, turned out to be unwarranted.  The wind did get up there, but only to 15 knots, although that was on the nose!  However, the sea was very calm.  There was a tiny bit of chop and a small swell, but nothing remotely uncomfortable or to worry about.

The most unusual part of the trip was the number or big ships we saw.  After days of sailing and seeing virtually no one else in the straits we passed 8 large cargo ships and a ferry.  We never got very close, so there was no problem.

We arrived here in Monemvasia just after 3pm.  As we were coming in another yacht, flying a German flag was also making their way in, very slowly.  I think Richard was trying to race them to the port to get a mooring, and they were not happy.  But all worked out fine.  They wanted to moor stern to on anchor on the one pier, whereas we wanted to go alongside on a different pier.  So everyone was content in the end.  There is no electricity here, but there is a water tap right near our boat.  The only problem is that it has an unusual end and we have no adaptor to connect it to our hose.  However, the nice English couple moored in front of us have said we can borrow their adaptor.  There is a problem with that as they are leaving in the morning, so we will have to fill up then and be sparing with water until we get to our next port, where there are supposed to be facilities.

When we get it we realize that it is very hot – about 30C.  Out at sea we were warm, but comfortable.  We then notice that a number of people are swimming in the harbour.  We can see that the water is crystal clear so, what the heck, we go in.  That cools us down nicely, although the water temperature is now over 23C!  We also use our black bag shower as a rinse off after swimming.  That seems to do the job.

After our swim we decide to go and have a look at the village.  This is an unusual place.  The harbour where we are is in the modern village.  The village is very sweet.  The sea front is covered in tavernas, and cafes.  In the back street we found a small supermarket, a greengrocer, a bakery and a butcher.  So I shall be able to re-provision with ease tomorrow evening. I even find a shop where they make clothes and buy a very light pair of royal blue trousers.  I hope they will be really comfortable in this hot weather.

The real reason to come here, however, is that there is an old village in castle walls with a citadel and church up on a high hill behind the old village.  That village is across a causeway from where we are.  We have seen it on our way in and it looks super.  So we will walk there tomorrow morning, trying to avoid the worst of the heat of the day.

Back on the boat we have dinner.  We have also opened a bottle of fizz to celebrate finally making it to the Aegean.  The only next worry I have is getting to the Cyclades.  Apparently it has been so windy there, several boats that are here came over to escape the wind!  Richard says the weather forecast is for light winds until next Friday by which time we should be tucked up in a safe harbour.  So we shall see.  In the meantime we are trying to just relax and I must stop worrying.  We have both taken nice showers on board with lots of very hot water made by the engine!

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