Friday, 5 June 2015

Friday 5 June 2015 - Katakolon

We get up fairly early.  The weather is dull, but the forecast is OK, although we might get a bit of rain.  We therefore set out.  Getting out of the mooring is much easier than getting in.  The anchor came up well, but absolutely covered in mud.  It wasn’t only mud on the anchor, there was also part of a fishing line including a rather smart looking lure with three lots of triple hooks. I carefully cut it away and then try to put the anchor away.  But the mud makes such of mess of the bow I have to sluice it down with buckets of sea water and it still is a mess.

There is virtually no wind.  When the wind gauge goes up to 6 knots Richard is so desperate that he puts the sails up.  We are only doing 2 knots, but Richard wants to sail and we aren’t really in a hurry so we go along at a snail’s pace while Richard puts out a fishing line with the new lure on.  The wind drops even more, so we give up and put on the motor, but going slowly to maybe catch a fish for dinner.  But even with that we have no luck.  So we take in the fishing line and the genoa and we motor along a bit faster.  The wind finally drops to under 1 knot!  The sea is glassy and the only disturbance on it is from our motor.  Just after we got the fishing line up, I see something in the water.  Yes, we have been visited by three dolphins.  They don’t stay long, but it is so nice to see them.

We get within 2 miles of Katakolon and wouldn’t you know it, the wind suddenly gets up to 15 knots, one the nose!  It is not very comfortable and it starts to rain.  Are we cursed or something?  It turns out not to be too bad.  The rain is only a few spots and the wind and sea calm down when we get in harbour.  However, the harbour is a mystery.  On the way in it says to call up on channel 12.  I do that, but first get no reply and finally get someone who is more or less impossible to understand.  All I can gather is that we should go in to any berth we see.  We are getting ready to deal with the anchor when we note that most of the boats seem to have pick up lines.  We therefore try two berths to find a pick up, but there is none.  Eventually a man on the side signals that we should use the anchor.  So here we go, another effort at mooring stern to on anchor.  Despite finding ourselves in an awkward space with a small fishing boat moored at an angle next to us, we manage quite well, after asking someone to take our lines.  So we are in a berth and we guess that it will be fine.

We later find out from a Belgium skipper and from one of the tradesmen in the village that the harbour for yachts has been more or less abandoned by the harbour authorities.  There used to be a harbour master, but now there is none.  There is a toilet block, but it is all locked up.  There are towers for electricity, but we are not sure they work.  The harbour seems to be in the course of being enlarged.  The real reason for this place is that it is the port nearest Olympia and the cruise ships come in here to take visitors to the site.  That is also why we are here.  So it seems they are only interested in the cruise ships, not private yachting.

We have a little wander around the village.  It really is quite cute, but it is mainly closed.  Again, we get the impression that the shops don’t bother to open unless there are cruise ships in port.  We also find out that there are no trains to Olympia running, because again, they only run when cruise ships are in and none are due until Monday.  But we do manage to hire a car.  We will pick up a Smart car tomorrow morning and have it for 24 hours at the princely price of 30 euros.

We find there are a lot of cafes in the town.  We are having trouble getting really good internet from the boat, so we have a drink in town and sit there for an hour using their good free internet.  Fasting day dinner on the boat and then we use up the last of the hot water on showers.  Not sure what we will do tomorrow.  Richard is coy about trying to hook up to the electricity as we are paying nothing for it.  We shall see if he feels like that tomorrow.

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