Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Tuesday 19 May 2015 - Riposto

We do wake up literally at the crack of dawn- 5:00am.  The sky is just beginning to get light. We have made all our preparations for a quick get away.  The only slight delay is finding one of the marina staff to take our lock fob and get our 10 Euro deposit back.  But we manage that at the fuel pontoon and we are on our way.  The weather forecast is good, we check again before we leave.  The only problem is that there is likely to be little or no wind.  So it will be a long motor trip.  We slip mooring at about 5:30 and get out of the marina before 6.  We put up the mainsail just in case some wind shows up and put up the revs on the engine when disaster hits.  As we start to accelerate there is a loud screeching noise from the engine!  It is overheating.  We quickly turn the engine off and R goes below to see if there is something stuck in the filter to stop the water circulating and cooling the engine.  He can’t see anything obviously wrong.  We put the engine on again momentarily and it is still sounding the alarm, but there is water coming out of the exhaust (as there should be).  We can’t risk using the engine.  So we have no choice, we have to turn around and return to the marina.  There is only less than 3 knots of wind (even going to zero at one stage) but we will have to sail back. It is only about half a mile, but even with all the sails up it takes us over half an hour to get to the harbour entrance.  Richard does a grand job of taking the boat in under sail despite having what little wind there is nearly on the nose and pushing us towards the breakwater.  I call up the marina and warn them that we have no engine and will need help to come in.  They say to stand by, but nothing happens.  As we get further into the harbour and approach the control tower they finally send a rib which helps us to tie up to the fuel pontoon.  By the time we tie up it is still only 7am, so it will take some time to try and call an engineer to see what is the matter.

So with nothing to do, I go back to bed for an hour and Richard reads the downloaded newspaper.  At about 9am they tell us that they can’t get an engineer to us until 2:30 this afternoon.  So we just have to sit around and wait.  As we are not on a proper berth, Richard is unhappy to leave the boat at all.

We hope that there is just some blockage in the water cooling system that can be cleared by the mechanic.  If so we might try to make the passage overnight tonight and make up for some lost time.  To this end I make a big lunch so that if necessary we can eat just sandwiches for supper under way.

As we start our lunch Ren and Angela on Tantrum of Hamble come in.  We tell them the sad story.

Finally only 10 minutes late, the mechanic turns up.  He finds the fault without too much trouble.  It is a broken hose.  That is fairly easily fixed, BUT, they do not have the part and it can take up to three days to get it!  I am really fed up now.  They are going to try their local stockist.  If he has a hose, then they can fix it tomorrow afternoon.  But if not we are stuck here for at least another three days!  We keep our fingers crossed.

In the meantime we are just wasting another day.  Finally at 4:30pm the marina men come with a couple of ribs and tow us back to our proper berth.  At least this is more comfortable and we have electricity.  If there is not going to be a repair tomorrow, we shall hire a car for a few days and travel about.  We will keep you informed.

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