Saturday, 30 May 2015

Saturday 30 May 2015 - Crotone

We set out from Le Castella just after 8 this morning and found a glassy sea with no wind.  So we motored all the way to Crotone.  Crotone is an interesting town and much better resourced than La Castella.  We fill up with fuel on the way in.  With all the motoring, especially the leg from Riposto, we had used up nearly half a tank of fuel.  The weather forecast makes it look like the trip to Cephalonia will also mainly be on motor, so I am glad we could fill up.

The berth we have is part of the local yacht club.  We are on new pontoons and have all the facilities we need.  There are two washing machines here, which the office is keen for me to use, but there is no tumble dryer and despite the fact that it is a lovely hot sunny day, I do not fancy trying to hang out two sets of linens, six towels and three weeks of underwear all over the rigging.  So we go to the laundrette in the town.

The launderette is on the very opposite side of town and is quite a walk with two heavy bags of dirty clothes!  But worse than that, when we get there we find they are closed for lunch!  We don’t want to drag the washing back and for to the boat again, so despite the fact that we had planned to have a fasting day today, we decide to try to find somewhere for a bite of lunch to kill the 90 minutes until the place re-opens.  We have no luck finding a restaurant or even a lunch bar.  All we do find is a very nice café which sells ice cream and pastries.  So instead of dieting we wind up having cappuccinos and canola (a Sicilian specialty of crisp ginger snap type pastry filled with sweet ricotta cheese).  But it was very nice and we did get to the launderette where the lady helped me do all the washing despite her not speaking a word of English and me having about three useful words of Italian!

So we are now ready to make the journey to Greece tomorrow.  We have decided that as it can take up to 36 hours (though R hopes it will be more like 30 hours)  we need to start very early, say 6am.  So I will have to do all the food preparation as we go.  I have put on a sea sickness patch and hope that gets over any nasty water. 

I will be in touch when we make landfall.

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