Friday, 22 May 2015

Friday 22 May 2015 - Riposto

Well, we are still here.  Not written much because there is not too much to say.  After two days the engineers told us that the part we need was not available anywhere in Italy and they have to send to the UK for it!  At first they said it would take 8 days!  After a bit of persuading them that there must be a faster way to getting it here, they said it should arrive next Monday or Tuesday.  We tried to source the part from the firm in the Hamble that used to do all the work on the engine, but they cannot get one here any quicker.  It does not help that the bank holiday intervenes.  So being stuck here on a two week Sicilian holiday we did not plan for, we hired a car and went away for one night.  We really have toured most of Sicily before, but we found a few hill towns we did not know including Enna and Scicli.  All quite cute.  Then we went back to Noto, which we didn’t see very well last year.

Back on the boat we tried to find a launderette.  Richard scoured the internet and found two places that were a bit far away, but perhaps we could manage by taking the car there and a taxi back.  However, it all turned into a wild goose chase and we never found anywhere.  So I have put one set of linens and towels into the marina laundry service at more or less hotel prices and horror of horror I did hand washing!  That is my real bugbear.  I hate it.  But I needed some underwear, so needs must.  If we ever get out of here, the next two places we plan to get to are supposed to have laundry facilities, but I suspect that will be washing machines only, meaning I will have to drape the boat in wet linens!

Tomorrow we are going to go to Catania by train to do a bit more sightseeing.  I will resume again when we have any more interesting sailing news.

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